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Have Your Reference Library to Hand - Own the Complete Set.

This book set was created just so you could have a complete set of classic references on copywriting and marketing.

They have each been edited and published in every available format, so you can have them on your smartphone or ereader as well as a hardcopy version.

Each of them is slated to be made into ecourses, with printable lessons.

Own your personal library of copywriting, marketing, and advertising classics to you are never without the advice (and secrets) of the Masters of Marketing.

  • How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie is known by the Guinness Book of World Records for critiquing more speeches than any person in known history. He found that people wanted to know these two subjects. His book is based on the study of solutions people found. It evolved from a pamphlet to a correspondence course to another all-time bestselling book.
  • Scientific Advertising and My Life in Advertising– Claude C. Hopkins was the first to test the effectiveness of his ads by actual sales. He was the first to use coupons to do “split-testing” on two or more different versions of copy.
  • The Untold Story Behind Advertising Albert D. Lasker ran the most successful advertising office on the planet for over 40 years. He hired Claude Hopkins and paid him more than ever before for a copywriting job. This book tells how Advertising came of age and the changes it went through.
  • Tested Sentences That Sell – Elmer Wheeler was a testing pioneer – having tested 105,000 selling statements for 5,000 products. He invented the phrase, “Sell the Sizzle, not the Steak” and summed up his philosophy as “Don’t think so much about what you want to say as about what the prospect wants to hear– then the response you will get will more often be the one you are aiming for.”
  • How to Write a Good Ad – Victor Schwab was known for his testing with coded coupons. This book gives examples of 100 all-time winning headlines and tells why they work.
  • Robert Collier Copywriting Course – Robert Collier was known as a highly successful copywriter long before his success in Self-Help books. He still ranks to day as one of the premier copywriters. This excerpts the key chapters from his famous “Letter Book.”
  • The What, How and Why of Advertising – John E. Kennedy revolutionized marketing when he first defined advertising as Salesmanship in Print. This is his two collected works, “Reason Why Advertising” and “Intensive Advertising.”
  • Eugene Schwartz' Breakthrough Advertising – this long out of print classic was unable to be reproduced. However, I tell you where you can download your copy to study and learn from a true master. It even surprised the author to learn that his simple book was making non-marketers into millionaires by thoroughly understanding how markets work and how to get your product known in them.
Some extras:
  • How to Write Ad Copy That Works – J. George Frederick compiled 22 of the then World's Greatest Advertising Writers of that time into a single book review. A great side-check on what you've learned.
  • How to Sell Without “Selling” - Works by Orison Swett Marden and Edward Berman point out how modern online sales work (even before the Internet) – where the buyer is in charge of the sales cycle. In order to understand advertising, I found these books to explain the basics of true salesmanship: empathy and care for the customer.
  • Breezy – by J. George Frederick. The amusing story of a young lad who applies the simple basics of advertising to his sales, quickly rising up the ranks in his company applying what he knew.
  • Obvious Adams – by Robert R. Updegraff. The story of a person who simply observed the products around him and then patterned his marketing on common sense.
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